Largo General Osório, 66
Santa Ifigênia, São Paulo, SP
Telefone: 55 11 3335-5910
Entrada Gratuita
Aberto de quarta a segunda (fechado às terças), das 10h às 18h

Resist! Project

Arte com fundo marrom claro, onde se vê escrito no centro em preto "Projeto Resisto! Ao redor da imagem, uma película de filme de cinema mostra uma série de cenas de um vídeo. Nessas cenas, há o que parece ser um jornal televisivo; outra cena mostra um homem vestido na Grécia Antiga; outra cena mostra uma educadora do Memorial.

With you, the I Resist! Project

Seeking to encourage the exercise of the right of access to culture and stimulate the cultural development of the individual, the Memorial da Resistência de São Paulo launches a series of videos developed through thematic axes that are based on the contents covered by its exhibitions.

Initially thought of as a virtual alternative to bring children and young people closer to the Memorial space, with the progressive return of face-to-face interactions, the series consolidates itself as a triggering educational material to be used both by teachers in the classroom and in virtual activities by the public in general.

The I Resist! Project has four videos in TV news format that seek to raise questions in a playful and comprehensive way about Resistance, Repression, Human Rights and Heritage. All have accessible versions with a sign language window, subtitles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and audio description, as well as support material with questions for debate, and a research guide from the Collection of Testimonies and Places of Memory made available to the public through the digital repository.

Check out below the videos and support materials released weekly.


Political Resistance

Human Rights


Governo do Estado de SP